This website aims for provide information for the general public on eye conditions.
The information is not specific to any individual patient’s own circumstances. The information is not a substitute nor should replace information provided by a health professional. It should not be used to prevent, diagnose or recommend treatment for any eye conditions. There may also be information relevant to any individual patient’s own circumstances not present on this website. The decision to proceed with eye surgery should be based on the information provided during their medical consultation relating to their own personal circumstances.
There are links provided to external websites. The content on these websites has been written and maintained by external parties. It is therefore not possible to guarantee the accuracy of the information provided on these sites.
Every effort has been made to ensure the security and privacy of the website. Despite this, it is possible that by using this website, the user exposes themselves to the risk of acquiring a virus or defect that might damage their computer. It is also possible that their viewing behaviour is unknowingly monitored by a third party. Dr Ben Connell and his employees accept no responsibility or liability for any damage or privacy breach incurred as a result of using the website.
Please feel free to view the content of the website. Copying the content of the website or using it for any purpose other than general patient education is prohibited.